Community Involvement
Date 2016-05-22
Event Liberal Studies Programme 2015-2016 - Healthy Living-Food and Habit : Final Competition and Award Presentation Ceremony
Organization Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association

Mr. NG Hak Kim, Eddie, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education and Dr. Lawrence. H.Y. LEE, Former Director of Agriculture and Fisheries Department were invited to officiate at the Ceremony. They were accompanied by HKTBA Board Chairman Mr. Steve LAN, Chairman of the steering committee of the Liberal Studies Programme Mr. T.F. KWAN, HKTBA Vice Chairman Dr. LIU Ka Ling, HKTBA Vice Chairman Prof. Peggy LAM, HKTBA Vice Chairman Dr. Vitus LEUNG, and adjudicators Prof. TANG Pak Lai, Dr. Robert AU, Ms. Rose WONG and Ms. Helen LEE.

The function was well attended by around 150 persons including principals, teachers, students, their family members and media. The result is listed as follows:

School Topic Prize
Queen Elizabeth Secondary School Are Low-fat Products Healthier?


(Senior Team)

Queen Elizabeth Secondary School Intake of Sodium and Grains


(Senior Team)

Holy Trinity College Processed Meat and Adolescent Health

2nd Runner Up

(Senior Team)

Diocesan Girl’s School An Investigation on the Problem of Skipping Meals among Teenagers


(Senior Team)

Yuen Long Public Secondary School Exploring the phenomenon of smoking among teenagers in Yuen Long Merit (Senior Team)
Wah Yan College, Hong Kong How does Participation in Physical Activities Affect the Mental Health of Students? Taking the Students of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong as an Example.


(Junior Team)

Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School To What Extent do Parents Affect the Diet of Teenagers?

1st Runner Up

(Junior Team)

Wah Yan College,

Hong Kong
Investigating the Effects of Chewing Gum on the Concentration Level of Students, Taking Wah Yan Students, Hong Kong as an Example

2nd Runner Up

(Junior Team)

Tuen Mun Government Secondary School Intake of Sodium and its effect on Health Merit (Junior Team)
The Chinese Foundation Secondary School Popularity of Hand-made Soap, its effects on health and obstacles in promoting it Merit (Junior Team)
HKTA Tang Hin Memorial Secondary School “Tiger-Parenting”, Good for Children? Merit (Junior Team)